Warming Winter Tea Rhythm and Ritual

Creating a warming winter tea rhythm and ritual with your child.

Tea-making has many traditions and symbolizes safety, comfort, and containment. Rhythms and rituals are integral to Waldorf Education, and tea time can help children connect and feel safe. Herbal teas' taste and smell can regulate emotions, so why not start a tea rhythm ritual? With your children, pick a consistent time to brew tea and make it special with designated mugs and locations. Brew the tea together and enjoy a conversation with your child. A tea ritual could become one of your favorite times of the day and a cherished memory for your child.

Brew the tea together.

As you find your rhyme, maybe you heat the water and your child (ren) gathers the cups; what is truly the most important part of your tea ritual? You and your child/children being together with no other agenda. Take the time to relax and have a conversation. No phones, no email — just you, your child (ren), and a cup of tea.